RUTEC anti-splash curtains stands up to MP 7!

Testing with MP7 of the company Heckler & Koch with hard- core- and soft-core ammunition have shown, that our anti-splash material R1078 in spite of the massive penetrating power of this weapon hardly leave wear tracks in the splinter protection.  ( ...more )

Rutec anti-splash protection for establishments and labs

Rutec natural rubber is used since December 2010 also as a splinter and ricochet protection for different establishments and labs.

RUTEC quality also confiremed in UK

In February of this year our anti-splash curtain RUTEC R1038 was tested with the Metropolitan policy UK in comparison to up to now used materials like Linatex. As expected it did justice to all demands and could prove, so for example, its excellent lself-sealing properties.

Long-term testing by the Bundeswehr (Federal Defense Force) has been successfully completed

Our ozone-resistant splatter protection material, RUTEC R1078 was subjected to a long-term experiment testing the self sealing properties-, ozone resistance, ricochet reaction and the endurance.